SeaWorld’s Cynical Re-branding Exercise

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 3 Comments

Banner image courtesy of Banksy Petition –  “Tell SeaWorld to stop being hypocrites and end all orca shows!” – Phoebe Goldstein During a recent (9 November 2015) presentation to SeaWorld Entertainment Incorporated Investors, President and Chief Executive, Joel Manby shared SeaWorld’s plan: “to build on the company’s strong business fundamentals by …

United Kingdom Adjournment Debate, “African Lion Numbers”

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

DEFRA response dated 21 January 2016 _______________________________________________________ “Zimbabwe and Mozambique Lion Trophy Imports Bans Imminent,” LionAid, 3 December 2015 “LionAid believe there to be no more than 40 lion trophy males left now in Zambia, so this ban is very good news indeed, especially since Zambia has stated it will …

Commoditisation of Rhino Horn Trade ‘Self-Approved’ in South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 21 Comments

Update, 17 March 2016 – South Africa attempts to surreptitiously ‘legalise’ rhino horn harvesting – South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa “pre-empts” recommendations of on-going ‘Committee of Inquiry’ with Department of Environmental Affairs budget documents stating that “South Africa will submit its rhino horn trade proposal at CITES COP 17.” “Last May, a group …

The EU’s Stance on Trophy Hunting and Trophy Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 4 Comments

Safari Club International European Advocacy Initiative, November 2015 Safari Club International (SCI) is worried, that the “animal rights groups’ efforts” to “ban all forms of animal use activities” (do they really mean animal ‘use,’ or animal ‘abuse’ activities I wonder?) might be gaining too much influence over EU policy makers. SCI …

London – March for Cecil, plus ‘Blood Lions’ Screening

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event Leave a Comment

  London, March for Cecil/Lions I was privileged to be amongst a good-spirited throng of like minded people today in London, each one determined to project the message that the abuse of animals held captive and exploited in ‘canned’ farms for trophies must end now! Many leaflets prepared by the Campaign Against Canned …

“The End of ‘Canned Hunting’ Looks Imminent”

Stephen Wiggins Article 14 Comments

Update: African Lion Working Group (ALWG) ‘finally’ joins the Professional Hunters Association, South Africa (PHASA) in condemning  “captive-bred (‘canned’) lion hunting.” _____________________________________________________________ “The turning tide: Blood Lions v lion breeding and canned hunting,” Daily Maverick, 13 December 2015 “But now comes the real test……” “From now PHASA will be judged not …

Taiji Protest – Japanese Embassy, London, 18 December 2015

Stephen Wiggins Event, Fund Raising, Petition Leave a Comment

Petition UK Government – “Government make public protest against killing of dolphins at Taiji Cove Japan.” ____________________________________________________________________ Please be there, Japanese Embassy, London, 18 December, 12:00 – 18:00 hours (Next one announced for 16th January, 2016) London Against the Dolphin Massacre – Taiji, Japan – Event Page  ____________________________________________________________________  1 December …

Stop the Annual Slaughter in the Faroe Islands

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 4 Comments

Petitions Petition Council of the European Union Petition to take the Kingdom of Denmark to court Petition Kingdom of Denmark to Comply with EU Legislation Petition UK Government to Pressure Kingdom of Denmark Petition Prime Minister of Faroe Islands, Kaj Leo Johannesen Petition US Secretary of State John Kerry; UN Secretary …

EU as a new Party to CITES: implications, opportunities and priorities

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, IWB Led Petition 2 Comments

European Parliament, Brussels, 20 October 2015 Petition to Improve Protection of African Lions  (plus Rhino and Elephants) I was privileged to attend (facilitated by The Born Free Foundation and Joanne Cruz, European Commission) the MEPs4Wildlife’s meeting in Brussels on 20 October – However, due to European Parliament building access security, I took …

“Ngala, Fighting for Lions” Filming in Progress

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 3 Comments

“Ngala, Fighting for lions” Update, 10 December 2015 “Ngala film is progressing steadily. We are about to finish a pilot that should help us get further funding for the following stages of the documentary. We already recorded the voice over with actor Jerome Flynn and everything is looking pretty amazing.” “PHASA, …