UK Ivory Act – Ivory Bearing Species Consultation

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

The United Kingdom government (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)) is seeking consultation (via an on-line survey) on extending the scope of the Ivory Act 2018 to encompass five additional ivory bearing species (hippopotamus, narwhal, killer whale, sperm whale and walrus), not just elephants  – this DEFRA consultation runs …

SeaWorld’s Cynical Re-branding Exercise

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 3 Comments

Banner image courtesy of Banksy Petition –  “Tell SeaWorld to stop being hypocrites and end all orca shows!” – Phoebe Goldstein During a recent (9 November 2015) presentation to SeaWorld Entertainment Incorporated Investors, President and Chief Executive, Joel Manby shared SeaWorld’s plan: “to build on the company’s strong business fundamentals by …