Scottish Wildcat Habitat Destruction, Clashindarroch Forest

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising 4 Comments

 Banner image courtesy of Wildcat Haven In the past weeks, Scotland has been hosting the CoP26 UN Climate Change Conference, with pledges ‘to protect biodiversity and the planet.’ However, it has emerged today that the Scottish government and Swedish government owned energy company, Vattenfall are seemingly hell bent (in the name …

Trekking to Save Big Cats

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Fund Raising Leave a Comment

The Trek for Big Cats Mantra “Every human being has the responsibility of nurturing and protecting their environment and to hand it over unspoilt for future generations to enjoy”  On the 1st November 2018, three intrepid souls (and avid conservationists) will set out on an epic adventure “to create awareness …

Saving One Rhino at a Time – Meet ‘Vinnie’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising 2 Comments

As we know, there is bloody battle to save rhinoceros from the poachers’ brutal onslaught, particularly in South Africa, the last natural rhino strong-hold. “Further reports came in this morning around 04h30 of yet another two rhinos found dead in a private reserve in South Africa. It feels like a …

Urgent Appeal to Help Zoo Animals in Desperate Plight

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising Leave a Comment

Update: Gaza update by FOURPAWS – Help still needed for the animals starving in Gaza’s zoos. FOUR PAWS’ Urgent Appeal to Help Support Animals from Gaza’s, South Jungle Zoo Text (UK) GAZA14 £3 to 70070 to donate Update: 10 February 2016, from FOUR PAWS (USA team) “Dear animal friends, Thanks to your support, our team has …

Merry Christmas to all Animal Advocates!

Stephen Wiggins Fund Raising, Image Leave a Comment

Let’s all hope that 2016 brings good news for the planet’s Animal Kingdom. Let’s share (the start of) some good stories and excellent animal welfare work towards the end of 2015 –  progress is being made (but much more is needed): “Bear bile farms ended in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam,” 13 December 2015, Animals Asia, …

Taiji Protest – Japanese Embassy, London, 18 December 2015

Stephen Wiggins Event, Fund Raising, Petition Leave a Comment

Petition UK Government – “Government make public protest against killing of dolphins at Taiji Cove Japan.” ____________________________________________________________________ Please be there, Japanese Embassy, London, 18 December, 12:00 – 18:00 hours (Next one announced for 16th January, 2016) London Against the Dolphin Massacre – Taiji, Japan – Event Page  ____________________________________________________________________  1 December …

Extinct in the Wild – The Last Male Northern White Rhino

Stephen Wiggins Fund Raising 4 Comments

Saving the Northern White Rhino – International Rescue Meeting in Vienna, 3 – 6 December Save the Northern white rhino – Make a Rhino With World Rhino Day (22 September 2015, #WorldRhinoDay) approaching, I for one do not want to be ‘the generation’ that presided over the extinction of a …

Urgent SOS – Sea Shepherd Fights ‘Driven Hunt’ of Pilot Whales in the Faroe Islands

Stephen Wiggins Fund Raising, Petition 2 Comments

Current Campaign to Stop the Slaughter _________________________________________________________________________ The Danish authorities have taken four of Sea Shepherd’s small fast boats during this year’s campaign to disrupt the ‘Driven Hunt’ of pilot whales and dolphins. Sea Shepherd urgently needs to replace their small boats in order to continue to disrupt this ‘Driven …