United Kingdom Adjournment Debate, “African Lion Numbers”

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

DEFRA response dated 21 January 2016 _______________________________________________________ “Zimbabwe and Mozambique Lion Trophy Imports Bans Imminent,” LionAid, 3 December 2015 “LionAid believe there to be no more than 40 lion trophy males left now in Zambia, so this ban is very good news indeed, especially since Zambia has stated it will …

The EU’s Stance on Trophy Hunting and Trophy Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 4 Comments

Safari Club International European Advocacy Initiative, November 2015 Safari Club International (SCI) is worried, that the “animal rights groups’ efforts” to “ban all forms of animal use activities” (do they really mean animal ‘use,’ or animal ‘abuse’ activities I wonder?) might be gaining too much influence over EU policy makers. SCI …