Expanded Exploitation of Wildlife Strategy – South Africa

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As reported in the Daily Maverick (18 March 2024), the Republic of South Africa Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) invited submissions regarding the “draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy (NBES)“ as notified in Government Gazette, No. 50279, dated 8 March 2024. As well as expanding ‘conservation areas’ the draft NBES …

Draft Policy Position on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhinoceros

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The Republic of South Africa, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and The Environment (DFFE) has issued its “Draft Policy Position on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhinoceros” – Government Gazette, No. 49322, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE), dated 19 September 2023. There are many contradictions between …

2022 Review

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United Kingdom Hunting Trophy Imports On the 25 November 2022, the first reading of Henry Smith MP’s “Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill” took place in the United Kingdom House of Commons – the bill passed unopposed to the next Committee Stage due 25 January 2023. The bill has the potential to …

Consultation on Conservation and Sustainable Use – South Africa

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Banner Image: Courtesy of Michelle Riley HSUS The Minster (Barbara Creecy), the Republic of South Africa, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) has released, for public consultation, a Draft White Paper on Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biodiversity: Government Notice 2252 of 2022 “South Africa’s Biodiversity 2022: …


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A shocking exposé of the exploitative, destructive, global fishing cartels – corruption, ‘sustainability’ myths, lies, slavery, complicity, plus of course untold damage to our planet and our own species’ chances of survival…..a must watch for everyone I would suggest. “Seaspiracy,” Ali and Lucy Tabrizi (Kip Andersen: Producer), Netflix documentary – …

Zoonotic Diseases of Mass Destruction (Part II) – Who is regulating who?

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner image courtesy of Animals Asia In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the legal trade and illegal wildlife trafficking trade has come under increasing scrutiny (for good reason). A 2019 study concluded that one in every five species is affected by trade of some sort, but that the wildlife trade will expand …

Living with wild animals (Part Two): Eat them like there’s no tomorrow

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Banner Image – “Late last year, 32 wild animals, including lions, giraffes, white and black rhinos, lions and cheetahs, were listed under the Animal Improvement Act, effectively rendering them farm animals subject to manipulation and consumption“ Article by Don Pinnock, “Living with wild animals (Part Two): Eat them like there’s …

Living with wild animals, Part One: Cash cows or fellow beings?

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

As we approach World Health Day on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 – please join the call to end wildlife markets/wildlife trade across the globe to protect human health, including re-emphasising the inherent human health risks of tuberculosis (TB) transmission from the lion bone trade. World-wide, TB has been infecting and killing …