Iceland’s “Defiant” Minke Whale Hunter

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Petition – International Fund for Animal Welfare – ‘Icelandic Whale Meat Petition‘ As Japan illegally continues to hunt whales in the Antarctic, we also have ‘dubious’ whaling and cetacean slaughter closer to European shores, in the Faroe Islands (willingly ‘assisted’ by the Kingdom of Denmark),  Iceland and still persists in Norway. “Iceland …

Merry Christmas to all Animal Advocates!

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Let’s all hope that 2016 brings good news for the planet’s Animal Kingdom. Let’s share (the start of) some good stories and excellent animal welfare work towards the end of 2015 –  progress is being made (but much more is needed): “Bear bile farms ended in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam,” 13 December 2015, Animals Asia, …

The EU’s Stance on Trophy Hunting and Trophy Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 4 Comments

Safari Club International European Advocacy Initiative, November 2015 Safari Club International (SCI) is worried, that the “animal rights groups’ efforts” to “ban all forms of animal use activities” (do they really mean animal ‘use,’ or animal ‘abuse’ activities I wonder?) might be gaining too much influence over EU policy makers. SCI …

Stop the Annual Slaughter in the Faroe Islands

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 4 Comments

Petitions Petition Council of the European Union Petition to take the Kingdom of Denmark to court Petition Kingdom of Denmark to Comply with EU Legislation Petition UK Government to Pressure Kingdom of Denmark Petition Prime Minister of Faroe Islands, Kaj Leo Johannesen Petition US Secretary of State John Kerry; UN Secretary …

A “Thank You” From Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd

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26 September 2015 – Update from Sea Shepherd’s Captain Paul Watson “We Appreciate Your Generous Support.” Thank you to everyone who donated to our Emergency Appeal to replace the four fast boats captured by the Danish Navy. We have reached our goal of 200,000 Euros plus another 2,000 Euros. These …

Urgent SOS – Sea Shepherd Fights ‘Driven Hunt’ of Pilot Whales in the Faroe Islands

Stephen Wiggins Fund Raising, Petition 2 Comments

Current Campaign to Stop the Slaughter _________________________________________________________________________ The Danish authorities have taken four of Sea Shepherd’s small fast boats during this year’s campaign to disrupt the ‘Driven Hunt’ of pilot whales and dolphins. Sea Shepherd urgently needs to replace their small boats in order to continue to disrupt this ‘Driven …