Gucci Tiger Collection Marketing – Failure

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 1 Comment

Using tigers (or any wildlife for that matter) as dangerous show props (for example, Siegfried and Roy – “It took four men and a fire extinguisher to get the tiger off him”), or to promote an ‘aspirational lifestyle’ (sic) is reprehensible. However, it appears that some fashion brands/influencers don’t get it – …

Why Britain should Ban Hunting Trophies ASAP

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event 3 Comments

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Banning Trophy Hunting are holding a public webinar discussion on 11 January 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 hours (GMT): “On Tuesday 11 January, the APPG launches its new report ‘Shooting Up – Are Britain’s Trophy Imports & Hunting Companies Booming?‘ in a webinar open to the public, …

2021 Review

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

In last year’s review,  it was hoped that in 2021 we could start to return to some kind of ‘normality’ after Coronavirus (Covid-19) impacted the globe – it would seem we are still a long way from any guarantee of ‘normality,’ as the fight against the virus endures. On a …

UK Consultation on Hunting Trophies

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event 2 Comments

Banner image: Outside UK Houses of Parliament, 9 December 2021 – Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting and supportive Members of Parliament This week, the United Kingdom (UK) Department for Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) finally released two important pieces of information: The proposed contents of the bill regarding the …

Scottish Wildcat Habitat Destruction, Clashindarroch Forest

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising 4 Comments

 Banner image courtesy of Wildcat Haven In the past weeks, Scotland has been hosting the CoP26 UN Climate Change Conference, with pledges ‘to protect biodiversity and the planet.’ However, it has emerged today that the Scottish government and Swedish government owned energy company, Vattenfall are seemingly hell bent (in the name …

Identical ‘Cecil’ Killing of Another Hwange Lion, Mopane

Stephen Wiggins Article 6 Comments

A lion called Mopane was shot by a bowhunter on 5 August 2021 on a hunting concession bordering the unfenced Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. He was 12 years old and a breeding pride male. Original story, “Trophy hunters kill another breeding Hwange lion – Mopane,” Africa Geographic, 13 August …

UK Ivory Act – Ivory Bearing Species Consultation

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

The United Kingdom government (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)) is seeking consultation (via an on-line survey) on extending the scope of the Ivory Act 2018 to encompass five additional ivory bearing species (hippopotamus, narwhal, killer whale, sperm whale and walrus), not just elephants  – this DEFRA consultation runs …

South Africa’s Draft Policy Position – Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhinoceros

Stephen Wiggins Article 4 Comments

After last year’s High-Level Panel (HLP) submission process in South Africa, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) released its HLP Report in May 2021. Among many proposals, the DFFE proposes to enhance the conservation of lion and rhino species in the wild by halting their commercially driven domestication/exploitation. …

“We must end this barbaric practice”

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

“We must end this barbaric practice” is a reported quote with regard to the ethical/moral acceptability of trophy hunting by Boris Johnson – British Prime Minister given in a 28 September 2019 tweet alongside a picture of Cecil the lion – it’s now 6 years since this iconic lion’s slaughter on 1 July 2015 for …

South Africa’s High Level Panel Report

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

 Banner Image courtesy of Mark Boulton – Elsa Trust and Elsamere The Republic of South Africa’s Cabinet approved the High Level Panel’s (HLP’s) report [High Level Panel Report_15 December 2020] last week, so a briefing for stakeholders was held today, Sunday, 2 May 2021. Minster Creecy (Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and …