24 October Petition to Prohibit EU Zoos from Breeding ‘Surplus’ Animals _____________________________________________________________________ Original “Stop the Dissection of Lion Cub” – Petition – Care2 Vote – The Mirror Newspaper UPDATE I am sickened to report, the lion cub dissection at Odense Zoo went ahead earlier today – “Adult spectators held scarves to their noses …
The Peril of Migratory Birds
Update, 30 June 2017 – “House votes controversial bird-trapping bill into law (Update),” Cyprus Mail, 30 June 2017 The Cyprus government’s response to the European Commission’s ‘criticism’ for indiscriminate killing of birds in contravention of EU Birds Directive 2009/147/EC. Poachers in Cyprus routinely use lime sticks, mist nets and special …
Blood Lions Airing in South Africa Tonight!
The South African television premiere of Blood Lions is tonight (11 October 2015, 22:00 hours) on Discovery Channel 121. A documentary exposing the predator breeding, cub petting and canned hunting industry in South Africa. Watch it to have the power to create change and awareness. #BLOODLIONS If you would really …
EU Fails to Ban Lion Trophy Hunting Imports
France Bans Lion Trophy Imports, 18 November 2015 The EU’s Stance on Trophy Hunting and Trophy Imports, 30 November 2015 I was saddened to read that the European Union’s (EU’s) Scientific Review Group (SRG) agreed on 15 September that lion trophies can still be brought into Europe from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, …
Another Cheetah Illegally Killed in Botswana
The Cheetah Conservation Botswana (CCB) is reporting the loss of Legolas, a large male cheetah that formed a vital part of the CCB’s on-going research. Legolas was fitted with a tracking collar, but this did not prevent his demise on a remote stretch of the A2 Highway in western Botswana. Shot gun …
A “Thank You” From Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd
26 September 2015 – Update from Sea Shepherd’s Captain Paul Watson “We Appreciate Your Generous Support.” Thank you to everyone who donated to our Emergency Appeal to replace the four fast boats captured by the Danish Navy. We have reached our goal of 200,000 Euros plus another 2,000 Euros. These …
US and China Agree to Halt Ivory Trade
Is this agreement (see WildAid article below) just too good to believe? Can the promises be delivered? Can we dare to hope that this is for real and illegal ivory importations into China through Hong Kong will be stemmed? Might similar deals on ivory, rhino horn and big cat body parts …
The Lion Cub Con in ‘Canned’ Farms
Update: “I Was Tricked into Raising Lions Cubs for Hunters to Kill,” Beth Jennings, The Dodo, 1 March 2016 Beth Jennings’ “Claws Out” web-site “Blood Lions Warns Against the Dark Side of African Voluntourism,” Daily Telegraph, Travel, 1 December 2015 IWB Letter to Sun International to Stop Promoting Wildlife ‘Petting’ FOUR …
Limpopo Driven Hunt – A “Thank You” from the NSPCA
NSPCA Website September 2015 – Limpopo (Alldays) Driven Hunt back story Driven Hunting In September our Wildlife Protection Unit was alerted to a driven hunt taking place in Alldays, Limpopo. This was the first time that we had heard of driven hunts occurring in South Africa and we despatched …
Petition to End Japanese Whale Hunting
“Japan and the Whale,” BBC News, 8 February 2016: “It may seem incredibly banal. But Japan’s determination to continue whaling may come down to a handful of MPs from whaling constituencies and a few hundred bureaucrats who don’t want to see their budgets cut.” “Japan won’t stop whaling, so Anonymous …