“The Cecil Effect”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 10 Comments

Petition – To suspend the threatened Bubye Valley Conservancy (B.V.C) culling of a reported 200 ‘surplus’ lions from its purpose bred stock Petition – Stop the Cull of 200 Lions in Cecil’s Home Country It is being reported (“‘Cecil Effect’ Leaves Park’s Lions at Risk of Cull,” Daily Telepgraph, 20 …

Taiji Dolphin Protest, Announced for 18 March 2016

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition Leave a Comment

Next Protest, London, 18 March 2016 – see you there! The 2015/2016 Taiji drive/hunt season may be over, but the protests will continue until Taiji and all other Japanese cetacean abuse stops for good. “Breaking: Officials Confirm Taiji Drive Season Over,” Dolphin Project, 2 March 2016 Taiji Drive Figures for …

‘Canned’ Industry Deceit, Intimidation and Threats

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

Video – A heavily sedated, ‘canned’ lion being manhandled to an enclosure, to be executed by a paying Trophy Hunter. The DSC and SCI hunters’ associations still believe this a ‘sport’ and good ‘conservation?’ No, it’s animal abuse and exploitation and has been for the past 20 years+ – it’s been supported …

“There’s No Excuse for Animal Abuse!”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 1 Comment

 Credit for banner picture – Unattributed at the moment Taiji Action Day, 19 February _________________________________________________________________ UK Petition – “Government make public protest against killing of dolphins at Taiji Cove Japan” Yesterday’s (19 February 2016) Taiji Action Day march to raise awareness for the dolphins being captured and killed in Japan, was …

EU’s Scientific Review Group Decisions

Stephen Wiggins Article 4 Comments

Update: MEPs Written Declaration to European Parliament on Trophy Hunting, dated 18 January 2016 Some MEPs (including MEPs4Wildlife’s, MEP Catherine Bearder and MEP Neena Gill, plus 16 other cross-party MEPs) have lodged a formal “Written Declaration” on Trophy Hunting, calling for a review of EU policy to ensure that species listed within …

Urgent Appeal to Help Zoo Animals in Desperate Plight

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising Leave a Comment

Update: Gaza update by FOURPAWS – Help still needed for the animals starving in Gaza’s zoos. FOUR PAWS’ Urgent Appeal to Help Support Animals from Gaza’s, South Jungle Zoo Text (UK) GAZA14 £3 to 70070 to donate Update: 10 February 2016, from FOUR PAWS (USA team) “Dear animal friends, Thanks to your support, our team has …

Beavers Being ‘Eradicated’ by Scottish Land Managers

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition Leave a Comment

Banner image by courtesy of the Scottish Beaver Trial  Update: 1 December 2016 – “Reintroduced beavers to stay after being granted native species status“ Update: 15 May 2019 – “‘The inferno begins’: Scottish beavers ‘callously’ culled despite full legal protection, campaigners say“ “Eurasian beavers taken from Norway were released at …

“Life after Cecil……”

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

A 2015 paper(1) has appeared in ‘A Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology’, entitled “Life After Cecil: Channelling Global Outrage into Funding for Conservation in Africa” (Lindsey et al., 2015). It should be noted that all the authors are associated with Panthera, a New York based organisation: “Panthera, founded …

UK Government’s Stance on Lion Trophy Hunting

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 3 Comments

Following the 24 November 2015, Adjournment Debate “African Lion Numbers,” IWB wrote to Mr Rory Stewart MP (letter dated 3 December 2015), the United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) seeking clarity. An informative and somewhat reassuring reply from DEFRA (DEFRA’s letter, dated 21 January 2016) has now been …

March for Dolphins, London, 19 February

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event 2 Comments

Image: Ric O’ Barry, Dolphin Project   Friday, 19 February 2016 Meet Cavendish Square Gardens, 12:00 hours for a march to Japanese Embassy, Piccadilly Link to 19 February event facebook page   Ric O’ Barry Deported from Japan, 5 February 2016 Ric O’ Barry (Dolphin Project) denied entry and detained …