The United Kingdom Ivory Trade

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 1 Comment

UK Government and Parliament Petition – “Shut down the domestic ivory market in the United Kingdom“ Update from ivory auctioneers in Australia: “Leonard Joel kicks elephant out of the saleroom,” Financial Review, 7 December 2016 On Wednesday, 16 November 2016, Action for Elephants UK organised a gathering outside of the Department for Environment, Food …

Lion Hunting Trophy Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner image – courtesy of Mwana – Kanimambo Creations The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Service Director Dan Ashe has recently announced (20 October 2016) that the United States will no longer permit the import of lion trophies from captive hunts in South Africa. Melissa Bachman poses with …

Another Missed Opportunity by CITES

Stephen Wiggins Article 15 Comments

In early September 2016, the renowned body of scientists, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) passed Motion 009  – “the prohibition by the South African Government on the capture of wild lions for breeding or keeping in captivity.“ IUCN Motion 009 – “Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions (Panthera leo) and other predators …

Support for European Union Proposed Trophy Hunting Resolution

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

  Update (6 October 2016): Hunting Trophies resolution passed at CoP17 To: European Union Member State Environment Ministers September 2016 International regulations concerning hunting trophies of species listed on the CITES Appendices Dear Minister, The signatories to this letter, representing a wide range of international organisations with an interest in …

‘Canned’ Hunting – The ‘End Game’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 7 Comments

Banner image: courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting article ‘Canned’ Phase Out We have seen the acknowledged damage being done to South Africa’s reputation from its continued harbouring of ‘canned’ practices. The ‘canned’ industry is in steep decline (with a reported 70% drop in the ‘appetite’ for ‘canned’ executions of bred stock). Figure 1 – …

Rhino Horn Harvesting – “A Shortcut to Extinction?”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 6 Comments

Banner image – Courtesy of Brent Stirton, Getty/National Geographic Creative  On Wednesday (3 August 2016), I attended a live debate at London’s The Royal Institution of Great Britain. The motion before the house was “This house believes that the global trade of rhino horn should be legalized” – The Royal …