South Africa’s High Level Panel Report

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

 Banner Image courtesy of Mark Boulton – Elsa Trust and Elsamere The Republic of South Africa’s Cabinet approved the High Level Panel’s (HLP’s) report [High Level Panel Report_15 December 2020] last week, so a briefing for stakeholders was held today, Sunday, 2 May 2021. Minster Creecy (Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and …

Bitter Pill to Swallow – China’s flagrant trade in leopard bone products

Stephen Wiggins Studies 1 Comment

EIA research reveals that at least 24 Chinese pharmaceutical companies have been listing leopard bones as an ingredient in their traditional medicines, although there are fewer than 450 wild leopards left in that country. “Bitter Pill to Swallow – China’s flagrant trade in leopard bone products,” Environmental Investigation Agency, April …

China Announces ‘Legal Trade’ in Rhino and Tiger Products

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Banner image – Courtesy of WWF Singapore – Janissa Ng Petition – “China Just Lifted the Ban on Rhino and Tiger Products,” Care2 Petitions China’s announcement (29 October 2018) has set in motion potentially even more parallel markets for legal and illegal sources to supply Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – with …

Chinese Government agency issuing permits for commercial trade in bone of hundreds of leopards

Stephen Wiggins Studies Leave a Comment

“Leopards are Asia’s most traded big cat, with more than 4,900 leopards having been seized from illegal trade in Asia since 2002, and this figure likely represents a fraction of leopard parts being trafficked. Trade in their bones, primarily to meet demand from Chinese consumers, is a one of the …

Trophy Hunting and ‘Conservation’

Stephen Wiggins Article 8 Comments

Banner: Photo by Hans Stieglitz via Wikimedia Commons In the past week or so, we have had some horrific numbers on poaching and the trade in trafficked animals parts, but also at the start of the month, the Namibian Cabinet announced via Information Minister, Tjekero Tweya, 3 March 2016, that …