Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s Response

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s response to the South African Predator Association’s letter 29 November 2017 Attention Secretary Ryan Zinke Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C Street. N.W. Washington D.C 21240 United States of America OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY ZINKE THE …

Hunting Fragments Over ‘Canned’

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

Article updated: 27 November and 7 December 2017 Banner Image courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting In November 2015, the Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa (PHASA) announced it was withdrawing support for the ‘canned’ lion/big cat hunting and breeding industry. Apart from ‘canned’ offering no element of ‘fair chase’ …

The Unsustainable Excuse

Stephen Wiggins Article 8 Comments

Petition – “Stop South Africa’s attempts to legalize trade in rhino horn“- Global March for Elephants and Rhinos The “sustainable use of our natural resources” – Opinion After posting the Don Pinnock article (“Rhino sale bombshell hidden in new raft regulations,” Daily Maverick, 27 February 2017) the feedback received was ‘interesting’ …

Lion Hunting Trophy Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner image – courtesy of Mwana – Kanimambo Creations The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Service Director Dan Ashe has recently announced (20 October 2016) that the United States will no longer permit the import of lion trophies from captive hunts in South Africa. Melissa Bachman poses with …

‘Canned’ Hunting – The ‘End Game’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 7 Comments

Banner image: courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting article ‘Canned’ Phase Out We have seen the acknowledged damage being done to South Africa’s reputation from its continued harbouring of ‘canned’ practices. The ‘canned’ industry is in steep decline (with a reported 70% drop in the ‘appetite’ for ‘canned’ executions of bred stock). Figure 1 – …

‘Canned’ Duplicity and Decline

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 11 Comments

Petition – Stop the “Canned Hunting” of South Africa’s Lions The breeding of lion (and other animal ‘product’) has been going on for some 25 years plus in South Africa. The South African Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA’s) own candid definition of “canned lion hunting” clearly enlightens one to the …

“9 Myths About Captive-bred Lions”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 18 Comments

Banner: courtesy of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting Petition – Stop Cruel and Cowardly “Canned” Hunts Next Saturday, 2nd April there will be the Global March for Lions across many cities. In the build up to next Saturday (and then a follow up March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting  on …

‘Canned’ Industry Deceit, Intimidation and Threats

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

Video – A heavily sedated, ‘canned’ lion being manhandled to an enclosure, to be executed by a paying Trophy Hunter. The DSC and SCI hunters’ associations still believe this a ‘sport’ and good ‘conservation?’ No, it’s animal abuse and exploitation and has been for the past 20 years+ – it’s been supported …

How Can ‘We’ Save the African Lion, Panthera Leo?

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition, Petition, Studies 21 Comments

Download PDF of this article – How Can ‘We’ Save the African Lion, Panthera Leo? [Updated 25 January 2021] Let’s start by saying that I do not understand how anyone could want to kill an animal and put its remains on home display, particularly a lion from a rapidly dwindling wild …