On 11 May 2021, Buckinghamshire Council, Directorate for Planning, Growth and Sustainability refused the planning application (ref. PL/21/0130/FA) for Mr P Kerry’s proposed rabbit farm (captive breeding, meat and fur production) upon “Land at Magpie Lane Amersham Road, Coleshill, Buckinghamshire” – Decision – Application Refused, 11 May 2021. On the 25 …
Bringing Down the Dragon
The case of the Chen Organised Crime Group (OCG) is significant not only because it is the largest ivory smuggling case that has been convicted in China, but because it effectively dismantled an entire smuggling network from the source point in Africa to distribution in China. “In December 2020, the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s …
Gucci Tiger Collection Marketing – Failure
Using tigers (or any wildlife for that matter) as dangerous show props (for example, Siegfried and Roy – “It took four men and a fire extinguisher to get the tiger off him”), or to promote an ‘aspirational lifestyle’ (sic) is reprehensible. However, it appears that some fashion brands/influencers don’t get it – …
Year of the Tiger?
Big cat farming in South Africa: the need for international action “South Africa is intensively breeding tigers and lions for a commercial trade in live animals and their body parts. There is also a significant commercial trade in leopard parts through hunting trophies and trade in live jaguars and their parts from captive sources. The trade …
Why Britain should Ban Hunting Trophies ASAP
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Banning Trophy Hunting are holding a public webinar discussion on 11 January 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 hours (GMT): “On Tuesday 11 January, the APPG launches its new report ‘Shooting Up – Are Britain’s Trophy Imports & Hunting Companies Booming?‘ in a webinar open to the public, …
2021 Review
In last year’s review, it was hoped that in 2021 we could start to return to some kind of ‘normality’ after Coronavirus (Covid-19) impacted the globe – it would seem we are still a long way from any guarantee of ‘normality,’ as the fight against the virus endures. On a …
UK Consultation on Hunting Trophies
Banner image: Outside UK Houses of Parliament, 9 December 2021 – Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting and supportive Members of Parliament This week, the United Kingdom (UK) Department for Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) finally released two important pieces of information: The proposed contents of the bill regarding the …
Scottish Wildcat Habitat Destruction, Clashindarroch Forest
Banner image courtesy of Wildcat Haven In the past weeks, Scotland has been hosting the CoP26 UN Climate Change Conference, with pledges ‘to protect biodiversity and the planet.’ However, it has emerged today that the Scottish government and Swedish government owned energy company, Vattenfall are seemingly hell bent (in the name …
30 Lions Euthanised After Burning in Free State Fires in Shocking Animal Cruelty Case
Banner Image: 30 Lions Euthanised After Burning in Free State Fires. Photos suppliedOriginal article link,”30 Lions Euthanised After Burning in Free State Fires in Shocking Animal Cruelty Case,” SA People News, 3 October 2021 Thirty captive lions on a private breeding farm in the Free State, South Africa, have had …
The Tiger Mafia
Hopefully, this chilling documentary will be on general release soon – highlighting the cruel commodification of thousands of tigers in South East Asia to profit from a gullible tourist industry, supply executed tigers for the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industry and the trade in derivative tiger body parts….. The Tiger …