Driving nails into the coffin of Safari Club International

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 2 Comments

Original article and banner image (“Skye: Nadine Dreyer”) courtesy of Daily Maverick By Judy Malone, writing on behalf of Tourists Against Trophy Hunting, 28 June 2018 Trophy hunting is not about science, rights or traditions, or about personal choices. It is about right and wrong, good and evil. The self-evident truth is that …

Fair Game?

Stephen Wiggins Studies 1 Comment

Fair Game? Improving the well-being of South African wildlife – Endangered Wildlife Trust, Centre for Environmental Rights, 2018: “In practice, the current legal regime ultimately provides little protection for wild animals.”

Disrupt: Wildlife Cybercrime

Stephen Wiggins Studies Leave a Comment

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) study of ‘cyber-crime’ wildlife trafficking: France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom: “The internet is now the world’s biggest marketplace, open all hours for buyers and sellers to exchange goods. With such a huge volume of transactions taking place daily, relatively low trading …

How lions are helpless against money and influence

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

By Chris Mercer, Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH) On 10th of March 2018 animal lovers in Cape Town got together for a March to protest the ill-treatment of animals, including wildlife, in South Africa. An estimated 400 to 500 people participated. http://www.cannedlion.org/south-africa.html At the outset I should like to stress how …