Call for China to Amend its Wildlife Protection Law

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Considering how China’s pharmaceutical industry continues to blatantly utilises wildlife (with the support of naïve western investment), the call is long overdue for China (and others) to curtail the commercial exploitation of species such as pangolins, leopards, tiger, bears and elephants…..for ‘cures,’ trinkets and status symbols.   27 non-governmental organisations call …

Captive lion breeding damages SA’s tourism reputation

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By Melissa Reitz, Conservation Action Trust, 17 November 2020  Despite overwhelming worldwide opposition, including a parliamentary resolution to close down the captive lion breeding industry, SA’s government is ignoring red flags that the industry is damaging the country’s reputation and deliberating a 2020 annual trade quota for the export of lion bones. The …

Safari Club International’s Plan to Colonize Africa’s Hunting Grounds

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

By Jared Kukura, Wild Things Initiative, 27 October 2020 (Article given in Conservation Action Trust). Also see “How American hunting organizations conduct information warfare on social media,” Jared Kukura, Wild Things Initiative, 29 June 2020 In 1996, Safari Club International and their African Chapter held a series of visits and …

Urgent questions about the welfare of wildlife that Parliament needs to ask

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Banner image: An overcrowded camp with lion cubs of the same age. (Photo: Blood Lions) By Don Pinnock, Daily Maverick, 26 August 2020 As Department of Agriculture officials file into a meeting with Parliament’s Environmental Portfolio Committee on Friday (August 28) to explain the animal welfare laws they administer and the implications …

Informing The Debate on Trophy Hunting

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

On the 30 June 2020, Dr Dilys Roe, Chair – IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi) [and Board Member of advocacy group, Resource Africa UK] and Dr Amy Dickman, Director – Ruaha Carnivore Project, University of Oxford, presented to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Shooting and Conservation, chaired by Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP (‘Benefit …

Call on UK Government – Hunting Trophy Import/Export Ban

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

5th Anniversary of the killing of Cecil the Lion TROPHY HUNTING: CONSERVATION & ANIMAL WELFARE GROUPS CALL ON GOVERNMENT TO SET OUT ITS PLANS A coalition of Britain’s leading conservation and animal welfare groups are calling on the government to publish a timetable for banning trophy hunting imports [the UK public …