Banner: courtesy of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting Petition – Stop Cruel and Cowardly “Canned” Hunts Next Saturday, 2nd April there will be the Global March for Lions across many cities. In the build up to next Saturday (and then a follow up March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting on …
Is South Africa a Worthy CoP17 Host?
In September 2016, CITES will convene the Conference of Parties (CoP17) in Johannesburg, South Africa. However, questions have to be raised of the host nation, namely the South African Minister for Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa who will be welcoming delegates and hosting events at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. This is …
March for Dolphins, 18 March 2016
Petition to End Taiji Dolphin Slaughter – UK Residents and Citizens Only Protest Facebook Page Link ___________________________________________________________ Pictures and Videos from the 18 March Protest, London The protest started from Derry Street, London and made its way to the Japanese Embassy in Piccadilly. Derry Street is home to some key, UK media outlets …
SeaWorld to End Orca Breeding Programme and Orca Shows by 2019
Banner image courtesy of Banksy [Update] “Expedia to stop selling holidays that include captive dolphin shows,” The Guardian, 7 November 2021 There has been a joint announcement between SeaWorld and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), that says SeaWorld has agreed to stop breeding captive killer whales. Therefore, we can …
Trophy Hunting and ‘Conservation’
Banner: Photo by Hans Stieglitz via Wikimedia Commons In the past week or so, we have had some horrific numbers on poaching and the trade in trafficked animals parts, but also at the start of the month, the Namibian Cabinet announced via Information Minister, Tjekero Tweya, 3 March 2016, that …
SeaWorld Cares?
Banner image courtesy of Banksy Petition – “Tell SeaWorld to stop being hypocrites and end all orca shows!” – Phoebe Goldstein SeaWorld is reporting (“”Caring” for Tilikum the Killer Whale,” SeaWorld) the sad and tragic demise of Tilikum, an orca killer whale stolen from his mother’s side in the wild (in the …
March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting, London, 30 April 2016
London March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting, 30 April 2016 – Events Page Link to LionAid’s Event Page Link to FOUR PAWS Event Page “Come and join us as we march to Downing Street to say Stop Lion Trophy Hunting on Saturday 30th April 2016. We meet at 12.00 in Cavendish …
The ‘Theatre’ of Wildlife Decimation
In the war-like ‘theatre’ of organised wildlife crime, versus the authorities and anti-poaching units, where is the current ‘balance’ in this blood filled battle? Ultimately, where are we heading with regard to threatened species? Elephant Poaching Based on CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and …
Iceland’s “Defiant” Minke Whale Hunter
Petition – International Fund for Animal Welfare – ‘Icelandic Whale Meat Petition‘ As Japan illegally continues to hunt whales in the Antarctic, we also have ‘dubious’ whaling and cetacean slaughter closer to European shores, in the Faroe Islands (willingly ‘assisted’ by the Kingdom of Denmark), Iceland and still persists in Norway. “Iceland …
Rhino Poaching in South Africa
Rhino poaching numbers in South Africa dropped slightly in 2015, with 1,175 rhinos slaughtered (826 in Kruger National Park), 317 poachers arrested (a 59% increase from the previous year) and firearms confiscated. Source:, 21 January 2016 On 21 January 2016, South Africa’s Minister for Environment, Edna Molewa announced the …