“The Ghosts of Africa” lost to Hunting and Poaching

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

By guest writer, Andrew Van Ginkel, Durban, South Africa Trophy Hunting           | Poaching                             | Unethical Breeding Pay money to kill        | Kill to make money      | Making a killing Trophy hunters shoot more animals in South Africa each year (almost 50,000 animals were shot by trophy hunters in …

China’s Wildlife Trade is Out of Control

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 13 Comments

Petition – “Tigers Reduced to Skin and Bone“ Petition – “Tigers slaughtered to produce bone paste to fuel the illegal tiger trade in Vietnam! Please help“ Picture above of a ‘skin and bone’ tiger held captive in a Chinese captive facility  – “Breeding tigers (and any animal) in cruel, inhumane conditions …

Saving One Rhino at a Time – Meet ‘Vinnie’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Fund Raising 2 Comments

As we know, there is bloody battle to save rhinoceros from the poachers’ brutal onslaught, particularly in South Africa, the last natural rhino strong-hold. “Further reports came in this morning around 04h30 of yet another two rhinos found dead in a private reserve in South Africa. It feels like a …

Kenya and Wildlife Conservation

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

Banner Image Courtesy of IFAW A guest article by Jane Sandon-Allum (UK) – Two Million Tusks Kenya and Trophy Hunting Having read a number of the comments on the “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” debate, I noticed in particular hunters’ comments about Kenya and the decline in wildlife “due to Kenya’s hunting ban” which …

Global March for Lions, London Report – 2 April 2016

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition Leave a Comment

Global March for Lions, London – Event Page Link What a glorious day we had to march in London “for the love of lions” (and other so exploited species in ‘canned’ farms). We were blessed with sunshine from above….! The march was well attended by Campaign Against Canned Hunting, FOUR PAWS, Protecting …

“Hunters Conserve Wildlife” – The Debate

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event 4 Comments

In a forthcoming intelligence2 “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” – debate due 4 May 2016, the motion is:  “In 2014, a permit to hunt a single endangered black rhino was sold for $350,000… as part of a program to support its conservation in Namibia. Counterintuitive? Through funds raised from legal hunting—the purchase of permits …

“Trophy Hunting is Not the Saviour for African Wildlife”

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

It’s time for a ‘disruptive innovation,’ to wean range Governments’ dependency away from the Trophy Hunting income used to help ‘balance the books.’ The premise is should/could the ‘international community’ devise transparent (‘corruption’ proof) ways to subsidise key wildlife reserves to save iconic species? Hunting Income Evidence suggests that much of the hunting …

“9 Myths About Captive-bred Lions”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 18 Comments

Banner: courtesy of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting Petition – Stop Cruel and Cowardly “Canned” Hunts Next Saturday, 2nd April there will be the Global March for Lions across many cities. In the build up to next Saturday (and then a follow up March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting  on …

Is South Africa a Worthy CoP17 Host?

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 12 Comments

In September 2016, CITES will convene the Conference of Parties (CoP17) in Johannesburg, South Africa. However, questions have to be raised of the host nation, namely the South African Minister for Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa who will be welcoming delegates and hosting events at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. This is …