Another Missed Opportunity by CITES

Stephen Wiggins Article 15 Comments

In early September 2016, the renowned body of scientists, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) passed Motion 009  – “the prohibition by the South African Government on the capture of wild lions for breeding or keeping in captivity.“ IUCN Motion 009 – “Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions (Panthera leo) and other predators …

Global March for Elephants and Rhino

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 6 Comments

CITES Conference of Parties (CoP17), 24 Sept – 5 October 2016, Johannesburg, South Africa As we approach the CITES (CoP17), there are proposals for key African species: ‘Uplist’ the African lion (Panthera leo) to CITES Appendix I; Inclusion of all populations of Loxodonta africana (African elephant) in Appendix I through the …

Is South Africa a Worthy CoP17 Host?

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 12 Comments

In September 2016, CITES will convene the Conference of Parties (CoP17) in Johannesburg, South Africa. However, questions have to be raised of the host nation, namely the South African Minister for Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa who will be welcoming delegates and hosting events at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. This is …

EU as a new Party to CITES: implications, opportunities and priorities

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, IWB Led Petition 2 Comments

European Parliament, Brussels, 20 October 2015 Petition to Improve Protection of African Lions  (plus Rhino and Elephants) I was privileged to attend (facilitated by The Born Free Foundation and Joanne Cruz, European Commission) the MEPs4Wildlife’s meeting in Brussels on 20 October – However, due to European Parliament building access security, I took …

“Ngala, Fighting for Lions” Filming in Progress

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 3 Comments

“Ngala, Fighting for lions” Update, 10 December 2015 “Ngala film is progressing steadily. We are about to finish a pilot that should help us get further funding for the following stages of the documentary. We already recorded the voice over with actor Jerome Flynn and everything is looking pretty amazing.” “PHASA, …

EU Fails to Ban Lion Trophy Hunting Imports

Stephen Wiggins Article 4 Comments

France Bans Lion Trophy Imports, 18 November 2015 The EU’s Stance on Trophy Hunting and Trophy Imports, 30 November 2015 I was saddened to read that the European Union’s (EU’s) Scientific Review Group (SRG) agreed on 15 September that lion trophies can still be brought into Europe from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, …

IWB Petition to the UK Government

Stephen Wiggins IWB Led Petition, Petition 7 Comments

Call to enhance protection of White and Black rhinoceros, African lions and African elephants IWB Petition to the UK Government  Petition open to British Citizens and UK Residents only At 10,000 signatures we get a response from the government. At 100,000 signatures our petition will be considered for a debate in Parliament. ____________________________________________________ Current …

CITES CoP17 – 24 Sept to 5 Oct 2016

Stephen Wiggins Event 10 Comments

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES), will hold the seventeenth regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP17) in South Africa, September 24 to October 5, 2016. IWB is keen for the United Kingdom and United States to take a lead role in …