UK Government’s Stance on Lion Trophy Hunting

Stephen Wiggins Article, IWB Led Petition 3 Comments

Following the 24 November 2015, Adjournment Debate “African Lion Numbers,” IWB wrote to Mr Rory Stewart MP (letter dated 3 December 2015), the United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) seeking clarity. An informative and somewhat reassuring reply from DEFRA (DEFRA’s letter, dated 21 January 2016) has now been …

IWB Petition to the UK Government

Stephen Wiggins IWB Led Petition, Petition 7 Comments

Call to enhance protection of White and Black rhinoceros, African lions and African elephants IWB Petition to the UK Government  Petition open to British Citizens and UK Residents only At 10,000 signatures we get a response from the government. At 100,000 signatures our petition will be considered for a debate in Parliament. ____________________________________________________ Current …