Call on UK Government – Hunting Trophy Import/Export Ban

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

5th Anniversary of the killing of Cecil the Lion TROPHY HUNTING: CONSERVATION & ANIMAL WELFARE GROUPS CALL ON GOVERNMENT TO SET OUT ITS PLANS A coalition of Britain’s leading conservation and animal welfare groups are calling on the government to publish a timetable for banning trophy hunting imports [the UK public …

“Killing Game – The Extinction Industry”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 6 Comments

The “Killing Game” is the July 2020 follow up book from Eduardo Gonçalves to “Trophy Hunters Exposed” (launched June 2020): “Killing Game” – UK order link – Published by Green Future Books Ltd. “Killing Game” – US/rest of the world order link – Published by Green Future Books Ltd. TROPHY HUNTING is …

Crossing the Red Line – Japan’s Exotic Pet Trade

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 2 Comments

“Crossing the Red Line – Japan’s Exotic Pet Trade,” TRAFFIC, June 2020 “Japan has historically been identified as one of the biggest consumer countries of exotic pets, where hundreds of threatened species are in demand, including slow lorises, owls and pythons privately kept by individuals. Demand in Japan has been a persistent driving force within …

“Unfair Game” – Published

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 3 Comments

“Unfair Game” – An exposé of South Africa’s captive-bred lion industry [Update] Now published on Kindle and in paperback (16 June 2020 in the UK, 7 July 2020 in the USA): UK Link – “Unfair Game“ USA Link – “Unfair Game“ By Lord Ashcroft on Wildlife – (Lord Ashcroft fb page link) …

Trafficking of Ivory in Cambodia – Operation Jeopardy

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An illustration of how the illegal wildlife trade adapts and shifts – the Chinese demand for ivory is still there, the supply routes move regions as enforcement eventually tries to clamp-down: “Operation Jeopardy – The Growing Relevance of Cambodia in the Global Ivory Trade (report PDF),” Wildlife Justice Commission, June 2020 …

Trophy Hunting Exposed

Stephen Wiggins Studies 3 Comments

“Trophy Hunters Exposed – Inside the big game industry” – (UK delivery link),” May 2020, Eduardo Gonçalves (Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting): Amazon Kindle/Paperback (UK delivery link), published by Green Future Books Amazon Kindle/Paperback (US and elsewhere delivery link), published by Green Future Books A gripping, terrifying and meticulous analysis of the …

Why the wildlife trade convention failed to prevent Covid-19

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Banner image: To protect the world from zoonotic diseases, CITES needs to be amended, refocused or superseded by other international protocols, says its former head, John Scanlon. (Photo: Still from Eye of the Pangolin) By Don Pinnock, Daily Maverick, 27 May 2020 It’s time to rethink the role of CITES, says its …