Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s Response

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s response to the South African Predator Association’s letter 29 November 2017 Attention Secretary Ryan Zinke Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C Street. N.W. Washington D.C 21240 United States of America OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY ZINKE THE …

Rhino Horn Trade – The Great Unknowns

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

In December 2017’s, Biological Conservation (Vol. 216, page 60 – 68), a paper is published entitled “Sustainable rhino horn production at the pointy end of the rhino horn trade debate” authored by  Andrew Taylor, Dave Balfour, Diane Kirsty, Brebner Rynette, Coetzee Harriet Davies-Mostert, Peter A. Lindsey, Jo Shaw and Michael’t …

Hunting Fragments Over ‘Canned’

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

Article updated: 27 November and 7 December 2017 Banner Image courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting In November 2015, the Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa (PHASA) announced it was withdrawing support for the ‘canned’ lion/big cat hunting and breeding industry. Apart from ‘canned’ offering no element of ‘fair chase’ …

Pouring cold water on ‘sustainable use’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 16 Comments

Banner Image: African Elephant – Gary Stolz Opinion piece by Chris Mercer  – Campaign Against Canned Hunting This blog criticises a letter sent to the Chinese government by well-known hunting apologist Eugene Lapointe [CITES Secretary-General (1982 – 1990), now World Conservation Trust (IWMC) President]. After wrapping himself in a cloak …

United States – Trophy Hunting Elephants and Lions

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Note: Article updated: 18, 20 November and 23 December 2017 Update: On the 22 December 2017, the D.C. Court of Appeals concluded that “That Sport Killing Won’t Help Zimbabwe’s Elephants” in response to the Centre for Biological Diversity and National Resources Defense Council challenge to the USA Interior Department’s regressive …

Ivory Trading in Europe

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

The European Commission has an on-line survey on ivory trading within the European Union (EU) – the survey runs until 8 December 2017. To highlight the issues with ivory trading and ivory transiting through Europe, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) issued a report “Ivory Seizures in Europe, 2006 …

UK Ivory Consultation

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

On 6 October 2017, the United Kingdom Government (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)) launched a consultation on ivory – “Ban UK Sales of Ivory” – with an Online Survey at the foot of the link page. The consultation period ends on 29 December 2017 – so add …

“A Roaring Trade?”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 7 Comments

Banner image courtesy of Mark Boulton, Elsa Trust and Elsamere Back in August 2017, IWB and the Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH) questioned if the Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental Affairs (DEA) could provide conclusive science that showed its “800 skeletons” lion bone trade quota does not pose a …