The Economics of Captive Predator Breeding in South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 3 Comments

There is a planned “Colloquium” (workshop) on the 21 and 22 August 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa titled “Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting in South Africa; Harming or Promoting the Conservation Image of the Country[?]” The answer seems fairly obvious, the harm is manifest: IWB’s letter to the Chairperson: …

Leopard Hunting Quota 2018 – South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article 6 Comments

On 12 August 2018, the Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental Affairs (DEA) made a statement – “Minister Molewa allocates leopard hunting quota for South Africa for 2018” – this is the result of “the possibility of introducing a precautionary hunting quota in 2018” and puts a quota of 7 …

Cuddle Me, Kill Me

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

“Cuddle Me, Kill Me” by Richard Peirce is a tragic account of South Africa’s captive lion breeding industry – a rampant, toxic, greedy bonanza that finds willing hosts amongst exploitative humans: “An in-depth investigation of the large-scale captive lion breeding industry, from bottle to bullet” – ‘Cuddle Me, Kill Me’ : …

Trekking to Save Big Cats

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Fund Raising Leave a Comment

The Trek for Big Cats Mantra “Every human being has the responsibility of nurturing and protecting their environment and to hand it over unspoilt for future generations to enjoy”  On the 1st November 2018, three intrepid souls (and avid conservationists) will set out on an epic adventure “to create awareness …

Minister Edna Molewa establishes lion bone export quota for 2018

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Press Release: Republic of South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, 16 Jul 2018 Update: IWB letter to Her Excellency, South African High Commissioner to the UK, dated 31 July 2018   In accordance with advice provided by the Scientific Authority, the Department of Environmental  Affairs has determined the 2018 lion bone …

Driving nails into the coffin of Safari Club International

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 2 Comments

Original article and banner image (“Skye: Nadine Dreyer”) courtesy of Daily Maverick By Judy Malone, writing on behalf of Tourists Against Trophy Hunting, 28 June 2018 Trophy hunting is not about science, rights or traditions, or about personal choices. It is about right and wrong, good and evil. The self-evident truth is that …