Roadmap to Closing Captive Tiger Facilities of Concern

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“Current estimates indicate that there are at least 8,900 tigers being held in more than 300 facilities in East and Southeast Asia. Over 6,000 of these tigers are located in China, with the remaining animals found almost exclusively in Thailand (approx. 1,635), Lao PDR (451); and Vietnam (395)….The rate at which tigers are bred, …

To skin a cat: how organised crime capitalises and exploits captive tiger facilities

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“Although the international trade in tigers has been prohibited since 1975 when they were classified as an Appendix I species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), tigers continue to be bred in legal and illegal captive facilities – otherwise known as tiger farms. In …

Year of the Tiger?

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Big cat farming in South Africa: the need for international action “South Africa is intensively breeding tigers and lions for a commercial trade in live animals and their body parts. There is also a significant commercial trade in leopard parts through hunting trophies and trade in live jaguars and their parts from captive sources. The trade …

The Tiger Mafia

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Hopefully, this chilling documentary will be on general release soon – highlighting the cruel commodification of thousands of tigers in South East Asia to profit from a gullible tourist industry, supply executed tigers for the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industry and the trade in derivative tiger body parts….. The Tiger …

Breeding and trading endangered wild animals is not conservation – it threatens their survival

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner image “Tiger for sale in Bangkok.” By Andreas Wilson-Spath*, Daily Maverick, 9 February 2021 – This article was provided by the Conservation Action Trust. Conservationists have demonstrated that legalised trade and commercial breeding of wild animals stimulates demand, encourages poachers and smugglers and ultimately pushes species towards extinction in the wild. A …

Call for China to Amend its Wildlife Protection Law

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Considering how China’s pharmaceutical industry continues to blatantly utilises wildlife (with the support of naïve western investment), the call is long overdue for China (and others) to curtail the commercial exploitation of species such as pangolins, leopards, tiger, bears and elephants…..for ‘cures,’ trinkets and status symbols.   27 non-governmental organisations call …

Open letter to World Health Organisation

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

6th April 2020 Dear Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus [Director General, World Health Organisation] and Dr Zhang Qi [Co-ordinator of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Unit (TCM), World Health Organisation], COVID-19: Health risks and wildlife[1] markets – the need for a permanent global ban on wildlife markets and a highly precautionary approach to …

Bitter Pill to Swallow – China’s flagrant trade in leopard bone products

Stephen Wiggins Studies 1 Comment

EIA research reveals that at least 24 Chinese pharmaceutical companies have been listing leopard bones as an ingredient in their traditional medicines, although there are fewer than 450 wild leopards left in that country. “Bitter Pill to Swallow – China’s flagrant trade in leopard bone products,” Environmental Investigation Agency, April …

China’s ban on wildlife consumption is an overdue death knell for lion bone industry

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

by Don Pinnock, Daily Maverick, 24 February 2020 The Chinese government has placed an immediate ban on the illegal trading of wildlife and the consumption of wild animals. This follows a link between pangolin meat and the coronavirus outbreak.  Despite international outrage, South Africa is allowing a quota of at …