‘Canned’ Hunting – The ‘End Game’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 7 Comments

Banner image: courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting article ‘Canned’ Phase Out We have seen the acknowledged damage being done to South Africa’s reputation from its continued harbouring of ‘canned’ practices. The ‘canned’ industry is in steep decline (with a reported 70% drop in the ‘appetite’ for ‘canned’ executions of bred stock). Figure 1 – …

“Lion Crisis”

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

We have seen the neglect at Walter Slippers’ lion breeding facility in Limpopo Province. The South African Predator Breeder Association (SAPA) has moved in to offer immediate relief, with SAPA Members funding emergency food provision for the neglected lions (which is a welcomed, short term solution). However, the SAPA’s vitriol and …

‘Canned’ Duplicity and Decline

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 11 Comments

Petition – Stop the “Canned Hunting” of South Africa’s Lions The breeding of lion (and other animal ‘product’) has been going on for some 25 years plus in South Africa. The South African Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA’s) own candid definition of “canned lion hunting” clearly enlightens one to the …

Animal Abusers Amongst Us

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition, Speaking Out 2 Comments

Warning: This article contains links to graphic images/video that are extremely disturbing Well, it seems there is lot of horrendous animal abuse in our world (always has been, but it does not have to continue that way is a ‘hope’ we can aspire to). Before anyone shouts back “well first, …

Debating Hunting

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 5 Comments

On the 4th May we had the intelligence2 debate; do “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” – to repeat the actual motion was: “In 2014, a permit to hunt a single endangered black rhino was sold for $350,000… as part of a program to support its conservation in Namibia. Counterintutive? Through funds raised …

“Urgent – The Future of Hunting in South Africa”

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner: Melissa Bachman poses with the lion she ‘hunted’. Photo: Melissa Bachman via Facebook. In a recent article (“Urgent – The Future of Hunting in South Africa,” Phillip Mostert (Hunting Legends Africa), Wildboere.com,14 March, 2016), finally somebody within the hunting industry has been brave enough to stand up and say that the …

Feeding the Hunters’ Addiction in South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 5 Comments

The attached video is from a 2015 documentary (“Safari, Paying to Kill”) published onto YouTube in March 2016: It’s a very interesting 45 minutes, with the interviewer, Olivia Mokiejewski clearly exposing the deceit of the ‘canned’/captive-breeding industry in South Africa. Olivia describes ‘canned’ hunting as South Africa’s “nasty little secret” …

Global March for Lions, London Report – 2 April 2016

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition Leave a Comment

Global March for Lions, London – Event Page Link What a glorious day we had to march in London “for the love of lions” (and other so exploited species in ‘canned’ farms). We were blessed with sunshine from above….! The march was well attended by Campaign Against Canned Hunting, FOUR PAWS, Protecting …

“9 Myths About Captive-bred Lions”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 18 Comments

Banner: courtesy of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting Petition – Stop Cruel and Cowardly “Canned” Hunts Next Saturday, 2nd April there will be the Global March for Lions across many cities. In the build up to next Saturday (and then a follow up March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting  on …

“The Cecil Effect”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 10 Comments

Petition – To suspend the threatened Bubye Valley Conservancy (B.V.C) culling of a reported 200 ‘surplus’ lions from its purpose bred stock Petition – Stop the Cull of 200 Lions in Cecil’s Home Country It is being reported (“‘Cecil Effect’ Leaves Park’s Lions at Risk of Cull,” Daily Telepgraph, 20 …