Global March for Elephants and Rhino

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 6 Comments

CITES Conference of Parties (CoP17), 24 Sept – 5 October 2016, Johannesburg, South Africa As we approach the CITES (CoP17), there are proposals for key African species: ‘Uplist’ the African lion (Panthera leo) to CITES Appendix I; Inclusion of all populations of Loxodonta africana (African elephant) in Appendix I through the …

Debating Hunting

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 5 Comments

On the 4th May we had the intelligence2 debate; do “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” – to repeat the actual motion was: “In 2014, a permit to hunt a single endangered black rhino was sold for $350,000… as part of a program to support its conservation in Namibia. Counterintutive? Through funds raised …

“Are You Not Entertained?”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 1 Comment

Petition –  “Tell SeaWorld to stop being hypocrites and end all orca shows!” – Phoebe Goldstein On Saturday, 7 May across the globe, protestors (“Empty the Tanks” – Earth Race Conservation) took to the streets to protest the on-going absurdity of cetaceans taken from the wild, or bred into a …

Trophy Hunting in Zambia

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition, Video 4 Comments

Banner: “Lady Liuwa” courtesy of NatGeoTV Petition – “Don’t Let Lions Become Extinct: Don’t Lift the Ban on Hunting Lions and Leopards!” to President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu; Minister of Tourism and Arts, Jean Kapata; Zambia Wildlife Authority. Petition – “High Time for a Complete and Permanent Ban on All Ivory Trade” …

Saturday, 30 April 2016 – A Complex Day for Wildlife

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Petition 1 Comment

Saturday, 30 April 2016 will be remembered as a complex day for wildlife: In Kenya, there was a burning of confiscated ivory (and rhino horn); In London, A March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting; In Swaziland, a proposal for rhino horn harvesting emerged; In South Africa, the sad loss of an …

European Union and Trophy Hunting Update

Stephen Wiggins Article 4 Comments

The ‘Written Declaration on Trophy Hunting’ (03/2016, dated 18 January 2016) was explained in a 3rd March 2016 IWB article – the Written Declaration (initiated by Neena Gill MEP) was submitted by a leading group of MEPs* calling on the European Council and Commission to ensure adherence to the EU’s own Wildlife …

“Urgent – The Future of Hunting in South Africa”

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner: Melissa Bachman poses with the lion she ‘hunted’. Photo: Melissa Bachman via Facebook. In a recent article (“Urgent – The Future of Hunting in South Africa,” Phillip Mostert (Hunting Legends Africa),,14 March, 2016), finally somebody within the hunting industry has been brave enough to stand up and say that the …

“South African Government Decides Against Rhino Horn Trade”

Stephen Wiggins Uncategorised 4 Comments

Update: “Confirmed: No Rhino Horn Trade Proposal from South Africa at CITES CoP17,” Annamiticus, 25 April 2016 It is being reported by Reuters Africa, that South Africa has decided against ‘legalising’ rhino horn harvesting. But, stockpiling will continue at the farms where rhino horn has been harvested from (anesthetised) rhino. …