“Killing Game – The Extinction Industry”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 6 Comments

The “Killing Game” is the July 2020 follow up book from Eduardo Gonçalves to “Trophy Hunters Exposed” (launched June 2020): “Killing Game” – UK order link – Published by Green Future Books Ltd. “Killing Game” – US/rest of the world order link – Published by Green Future Books Ltd. TROPHY HUNTING is …

Crossing the Red Line – Japan’s Exotic Pet Trade

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 2 Comments

“Crossing the Red Line – Japan’s Exotic Pet Trade,” TRAFFIC, June 2020 “Japan has historically been identified as one of the biggest consumer countries of exotic pets, where hundreds of threatened species are in demand, including slow lorises, owls and pythons privately kept by individuals. Demand in Japan has been a persistent driving force within …

“Unfair Game” – Published

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 3 Comments

“Unfair Game” – An exposé of South Africa’s captive-bred lion industry [Update] Now published on Kindle and in paperback (16 June 2020 in the UK, 7 July 2020 in the USA): UK Link – “Unfair Game“ USA Link – “Unfair Game“ By Lord Ashcroft on Wildlife – (Lord Ashcroft fb page link) …

Breaking Point: Uncovering South Africa’s Shameful Live Wildlife Trade with China

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 5 Comments

Image Credit: Karl Ammann on location in China. Karl Ammann is a conservationist and wildlife photographer “Breaking Point: Uncovering South Africa’s Shameful Live Wildlife Trade with China,” EMS Foundation and Ban Animal Trading report, 17 May 2020 “South Africa has become the largest exporter of live wild animals to Asia, …

Shooting Captive Animals for Sport (and Trade)

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies 1 Comment

As we await the United Kingdom’s planned legislation resulting from the “Consultation on controls on the import and export of hunting trophies,” the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting (CBTH) has released a study “Shooting Captive Animals for Sport – South Africa, the United Kingdom & the growth of a global …

Submission to South Africa’s High-Level Panel – elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros

Stephen Wiggins Article 7 Comments

Banner Image courtesy of Mark Boulton – “Lewa Conservancy, Kenya” – Elsa Trust and Elsamere IWB’s Submission to the HLP, Dated 11 June 2020 IWB’s Response to HLP Questions Received, Dated 21 October 2020 The Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental affairs has issued a “A general notice calling for submissions, …

Elephant Hunts for Sale During a Pandemic

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

By Ross Harvey, Conservation Action Trust, 13 April 2020 Botswana hides behind national “sovereignty” while selling off its natural heritage to foreign hunters and treating elephants as mere commodities. In February 2020 the government of Botswana auctioned off the right to hunt and kill 60 elephants — the first salvo toward …

Zoonotic Diseases of Mass Destruction (Part II) – Who is regulating who?

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner image courtesy of Animals Asia In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the legal trade and illegal wildlife trafficking trade has come under increasing scrutiny (for good reason). A 2019 study concluded that one in every five species is affected by trade of some sort, but that the wildlife trade will expand …

Living with wild animals (Part Two): Eat them like there’s no tomorrow

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner Image – “Late last year, 32 wild animals, including lions, giraffes, white and black rhinos, lions and cheetahs, were listed under the Animal Improvement Act, effectively rendering them farm animals subject to manipulation and consumption“ Article by Don Pinnock, “Living with wild animals (Part Two): Eat them like there’s …