Extinct in the Wild – The Last Male Northern White Rhino

Stephen Wiggins Fund Raising 4 Comments

Saving the Northern White Rhino – International Rescue Meeting in Vienna, 3 – 6 December Save the Northern white rhino – Make a Rhino With World Rhino Day (22 September 2015, #WorldRhinoDay) approaching, I for one do not want to be ‘the generation’ that presided over the extinction of a …

World Rhino Day – 22 Sept 2015

Stephen Wiggins Event 2 Comments

World Rhino Day Website – To highlight the plight of the rhinoceros, Tuesday the 22 September 2015 has been designated as “World Rhino Day”- #WorldRhinoDay Rhino populations are under sever threat from poaching to satisfying demand across swathes of Asia, where rhino horn is considered to have medicinal properties and is …