2021 Review

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In last year’s review,  it was hoped that in 2021 we could start to return to some kind of ‘normality’ after Coronavirus (Covid-19) impacted the globe – it would seem we are still a long way from any guarantee of ‘normality,’ as the fight against the virus endures. On a …

Trophy Hunting, Part Two: End of the game

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner image: Lions seen at Willie Jacobs’ farm, Ukutula Lodge, on 31 July 2015 in Brits, South Africa. Jacobs’ farm was heavily criticised after the release of the documentary ‘Blood Lions’, which details the distasteful practices of canned lion breeders and hunters. (Photo by Gallo Images / Rapport / Herman Verwey) By …

Proposed return to ivory and rhino horn trading

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner image courtesy of Environmental Investigation Agency Petition: “Don’t let CITES delist Elephants and Rhinos as endangered animals!,” Care2Petitions GMFER Petition: “NAMIBIA AND SWAZILAND PROPOSALS TO CITES: TRADE IN RHINO HORN AND TROPHY HUNTING OF RHINO,” Change.Org The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), will …

Rhinos Wanted – Dead or Alive

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Published by Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), Tuesday, 20 February 2018 – Banner Image “An adult and baby rhino at Kruger National Park in South Africa” – Violator1, Flickr  Written by John Grobler and Khadija Sharife Major gaps between South African and Namibian legislation that regulates the endangered …

“Trophy Hunting is Not the Saviour for African Wildlife”

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

It’s time for a ‘disruptive innovation,’ to wean range Governments’ dependency away from the Trophy Hunting income used to help ‘balance the books.’ The premise is should/could the ‘international community’ devise transparent (‘corruption’ proof) ways to subsidise key wildlife reserves to save iconic species? Hunting Income Evidence suggests that much of the hunting …

Trophy Hunting and ‘Conservation’

Stephen Wiggins Article 8 Comments

Banner: Photo by Hans Stieglitz via Wikimedia Commons In the past week or so, we have had some horrific numbers on poaching and the trade in trafficked animals parts, but also at the start of the month, the Namibian Cabinet announced via Information Minister, Tjekero Tweya, 3 March 2016, that …