Exposing the Hydra

Stephen Wiggins Studies 1 Comment

“Failure to take any meaningful action against identified networks and individuals has led to the present situation where international Vietnamese syndicates are operating with impunity across Africa and into Vietnam and its neighbouring countries. Illegal ivory, rhino horn and pangolins are entering Vietnam at alarming rates, accelerating further declines in …

Rhino Horn Trade in South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Banner image “de-horning a black rhino” courtesy of Save the Rhino The Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental Affairs (DEA) has issued for consultation: Government Notice 986 “Draft Regulations relating to Domestic Trade in Rhinoceros Horn” and Government Notice 987 “Draft notice prohibiting the carrying out of certain restricted activities involving …

Elephants in Botswana

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Banner Image courtesy of oxandson Petition – “Don’t shoot Africa’s last elephants” Care2 Save Elephants This past week, we have had the Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT, 2018) conference in London. The third party reports seen from attendees at IWT 2018 reinforces the message that for any given persecuted species, such as the …

Sounding The Horn

Stephen Wiggins Article, Studies Leave a Comment

Save the Rhino International’s report, “Sounding the Horn” suggests that the United Kingdom (UK) antiques industry is trading rhino horn lots without proof of provenance in many cases. However, there are loopholes in the UK’s regulations, whereby: “At present…..there is no pre-sale requirement to verify the age or provenance of …

Increased Threat to Wildlife from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

Petition: “TM and TCM incorporated by WHO – appeal to WHO members to guarantee the protection of endangered plant and animal species,”Care2Petition An article in Nature (“Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world,” 26 September 2018) presents the alarming prospect of ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM) being endorsed …

NSPCA Launches Urgent Legal Appeal for Lions

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Banner Image: “Rack and stack captive-bred lion bones ready for export.” File photo: African News Agency (ANA) MEDIA STATEMENT ISSUED ON 26 SEPTEMBER 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NSPCA LAUNCHES URGENT LEGAL APPEAL FOR LIONS The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) has lodged an urgent interdict [Case No. 86515/17 in The …

Japan’s attack on international whaling ban

Stephen Wiggins Studies Leave a Comment

  “Japan has spent more than 30 years slaughtering whales despite an international ban on commercial whaling and is now proposing measures which would effectively lift the global ban on for-profit whaling. Japan’s so-called Reform Proposal is being considered at the Brazil meeting of the International Whaling Commission, taking place …

Illegal Wildlife Trade in Laos

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Banner Image: Photo via Flickr user Animals Asia According to a recent (2015) report from the Environmental Investigation Agency, “SIN City – Illegal Wildlife Trade in Laos’ Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone:“ “……..numerous ritzy resorts in the Southeast Asian country have been capitalizing off the sale of exotic meats and specialty …

Lion Economics – economical with the truth

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By Richard Hargreaves – Guest blog for the Campaign Against Canned Hunting As you will probably be aware the South African Government issued a Media Statement on 16th July 2018 stating: Minister Edna Molewa establishes lion bone export quota for 2018 In accordance with advice provided by the Scientific Authority, the …

In Plane Sight – Wildlife Trafficking in the Air Transport Sector

Stephen Wiggins Studies Leave a Comment

The report, “In Plane Sight: Wildlife Trafficking in the Air Transport Sector,” produced by the Center for Advanced Defense Studies as part of the USAID Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES) Partnership, revealed the principal role airlines play in the endangered wildlife black market: “The air industry …