At the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting gathering in London on 29 June to mark the forthcoming anniversary of Cecil the lion’s untimely death, the haunting sound of Cecil’s recorded roar was played over an audio system – as speaker Peter Egan put it, the sound was a painful …
Proposed return to ivory and rhino horn trading
Banner image courtesy of Environmental Investigation Agency Petition: “Don’t let CITES delist Elephants and Rhinos as endangered animals!,” Care2Petitions GMFER Petition: “NAMIBIA AND SWAZILAND PROPOSALS TO CITES: TRADE IN RHINO HORN AND TROPHY HUNTING OF RHINO,” Change.Org The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), will …
Parliamentary Report – Captive Lion Breeding, South Africa
BREAKING NEWS: New Parliamentary report calls for an end to captive lion breeding in South Africa: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs on the Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting in South Africa: harming or promoting the conservation image of the country, held on 21 and 22 …
Rhino Horn Trade in South Africa
Banner image “de-horning a black rhino” courtesy of Save the Rhino The Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental Affairs (DEA) has issued for consultation: Government Notice 986 “Draft Regulations relating to Domestic Trade in Rhinoceros Horn” and Government Notice 987 “Draft notice prohibiting the carrying out of certain restricted activities involving …
NSPCA Launches Urgent Legal Appeal for Lions
Banner Image: “Rack and stack captive-bred lion bones ready for export.” File photo: African News Agency (ANA) MEDIA STATEMENT ISSUED ON 26 SEPTEMBER 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NSPCA LAUNCHES URGENT LEGAL APPEAL FOR LIONS The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) has lodged an urgent interdict [Case No. 86515/17 in The …
Lion Economics – economical with the truth
By Richard Hargreaves – Guest blog for the Campaign Against Canned Hunting As you will probably be aware the South African Government issued a Media Statement on 16th July 2018 stating: Minister Edna Molewa establishes lion bone export quota for 2018 In accordance with advice provided by the Scientific Authority, the …
The Economics of Captive Predator Breeding in South Africa
There is a planned “Colloquium” (workshop) on the 21 and 22 August 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa titled “Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting in South Africa; Harming or Promoting the Conservation Image of the Country[?]” The answer seems fairly obvious, the harm is manifest: IWB’s letter to the Chairperson: …
Leopard Hunting Quota 2018 – South Africa
On 12 August 2018, the Republic of South Africa, Department: Environmental Affairs (DEA) made a statement – “Minister Molewa allocates leopard hunting quota for South Africa for 2018” – this is the result of “the possibility of introducing a precautionary hunting quota in 2018” and puts a quota of 7 …
Cuddle Me, Kill Me
“Cuddle Me, Kill Me” by Richard Peirce is a tragic account of South Africa’s captive lion breeding industry – a rampant, toxic, greedy bonanza that finds willing hosts amongst exploitative humans: “An in-depth investigation of the large-scale captive lion breeding industry, from bottle to bullet” – ‘Cuddle Me, Kill Me’ : …
Is ‘Canned’ Damaging Brand South Africa?
The Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH) and SPOTS (Netherlands) issued an updated report today, a compendium of all the self-inflicted, international bad publicity South Africa garners from harbouring the macabre captive (‘canned’) big cat breeding industry within its territory. “Captive Lion Breeding, Canned Lion Hunting & the Lion Bone Trade: …