Saving Sally: Trophy Hunters, Secrets & Lies

Stephen Wiggins Studies Leave a Comment When Eduardo Goncalves (of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting) posed as a trophy hunter, he entered the fanatical, dark and macabre world of the trophy hunters and their fixers – hunting outfitters and canned* animal breeders offering trophy hunters kills for cash.  “Saving Sally: Trophy Hunters Secrets and Lies” outlines …

2022 Review

Stephen Wiggins Article Leave a Comment

United Kingdom Hunting Trophy Imports On the 25 November 2022, the first reading of Henry Smith MP’s “Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill” took place in the United Kingdom House of Commons – the bill passed unopposed to the next Committee Stage due 25 January 2023. The bill has the potential to …

Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill – United Kingdom

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, sponsored by Henry Smith MP [draft bill published 23 November 2022] was read in the United Kingdom House of Commons on 25 November 2022 [Parliament Live TV achieve (10:49 onwards)  link and/or the transcript]. [Update] The bill passed Committee stage 25 January 2023, the Report Stage/3rd …