Leopard Hunting – South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 6 Comments

Banner image courtesy of Mark Boulton, Elsa Trust and Elsamere Government Gazette, Vol.  620, 8 February 2017, No. 40601 Notice 75, Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Draft norms and standards for the management and monitoring of the hunting of leopard in South Africa for trophy hunting purposes “Members of the …

Proposed trade in rhinoceros horn – South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Speaking Out 5 Comments

Petition – “Take a stand for South Africa’s rhinos!“ Petition – “We don’t want your rhino horn” – Vietnam, Born Free Foundation Petition – “Stop SA Government legalizing domestic and international trade in Rhino horn” – Global March for Elephants and Rhino Government Gazette, Vol.  620, 8 February 2017, No. …

The “800 skeletons” – “captive produced lion bone trade under the quota system”

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition 9 Comments

Petition –  “End the export of captive-bred African lion parts from South Africa“ – Humane Society International Petition – “URGENT: Stop the Export of 800 Lion Skeletons from South Africa to Asia“ Petition – “Lions denied proper protection at CITES CoP17” – Captured in Africa Foundation   During the October …