Cecil – 7 Year Anniversary

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner image courtesy of “Trophy Hunting & Britain: A Case for a Ban,” June 2022 Below, is the full testimony (pages 133 – 137) of an anonymous source, a former member of the Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) team that radio-collared and studied Cecil prior to him being killed. …

Call on UK Government – Hunting Trophy Import/Export Ban

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

5th Anniversary of the killing of Cecil the Lion TROPHY HUNTING: CONSERVATION & ANIMAL WELFARE GROUPS CALL ON GOVERNMENT TO SET OUT ITS PLANS A coalition of Britain’s leading conservation and animal welfare groups are calling on the government to publish a timetable for banning trophy hunting imports [the UK public …

Trophy Hunting and Cecil’s Anniversary

Stephen Wiggins Article 5 Comments

  At the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting gathering in London on 29 June to mark the forthcoming anniversary of Cecil the lion’s untimely death, the haunting sound of Cecil’s recorded roar was played over an audio system – as speaker Peter Egan put it, the sound was a painful …

Trophy Hunting, Part Two: End of the game

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Banner image: Lions seen at Willie Jacobs’ farm, Ukutula Lodge, on 31 July 2015 in Brits, South Africa. Jacobs’ farm was heavily criticised after the release of the documentary ‘Blood Lions’, which details the distasteful practices of canned lion breeders and hunters. (Photo by Gallo Images / Rapport / Herman Verwey) By …

Remembering Cecil

Stephen Wiggins Article 11 Comments

Today, on the anniversary of Cecil’s senseless and brutal killing, we should remember Cecil (a truly majestic African lion, head of his pride in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park) and all other wildlife so ‘harvested’ by other humans amongst us (for fun, trophies and lest we forget, the deceitful cloak of the trophy hunters’ excuse,  …

“Life after Cecil……”

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A 2015 paper(1) has appeared in ‘A Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology’, entitled “Life After Cecil: Channelling Global Outrage into Funding for Conservation in Africa” (Lindsey et al., 2015). It should be noted that all the authors are associated with Panthera, a New York based organisation: “Panthera, founded …

Petition to extradite Cecil’s Killer

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Extradite Walter Palmer Petition Walter Palmer (Cecil the lion’s killer in July 2015) returned to River Bluff Dental, Bloomington, Minnesota practice today (8 September 2015), but encountered continued controversy, protestors and media attention. Walter Palmer’s family have been under intense scrutiny and strain, but Walter Palmer remains unapologetic and defiant restating that (in his own deluded opinion) …