Time to Die?

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Banner Image: Amboseli icons Tim and Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park 2016, Kenya – image courtesy ElephantVoices A letter titled “Stop elephant hunting in Tanzania borderlands” appeared in Science journal 19 July 2024 – the letter was jointly authored by twenty four eminent scientists and advocates, with the letter first published …

South Africa’s Draft Policy Position – Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhinoceros

Stephen Wiggins Article 4 Comments

After last year’s High-Level Panel (HLP) submission process in South Africa, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) released its HLP Report in May 2021. Among many proposals, the DFFE proposes to enhance the conservation of lion and rhino species in the wild by halting their commercially driven domestication/exploitation. …

Botswana auctions off the last of its big tusker elephants

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

By Ross Harvey, Conservation Action Trust, 14 February 2020 “Why not allow any willing bidder (such as the EMS Foundation) to pay for these licences if that raises revenue to conserve magnificent bull elephants instead of eliminating them?“ The Botswana government has again demonstrated to the world that it either does …

“Echoes of Cecil” in ‘unethical’ Botswana elephant hunt

Stephen Wiggins Article 3 Comments

Banner Image – Outrage over ‘unethical’ Botswana elephant hunt, Don Pinnock, Daily Maverick, 11 December 2019 Botswana has recently (2018) reinstated elephant trophy hunting (after a 2014 moratorium). However, this is considered a mistake by leading experts that will not help reduce human-wildlife conflict. Let’s look at the reasons elephants have …

The Free Elephant Network Calls For The End To The Live Elephant Trade Between Zimbabwe and China

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Banner Image: Wild-caught young elephants are held captive in a fenced boma by Zimbabwe authorities awaiting shipment to China in October 2019 © Oscar Nkalain / Humane Society International/Africa – “Opinion: Zimbabwe’s shameful export of baby elephants under the guise of ‘sustainable use’,” Africa Geographic, 18 November 2019 Posted at EMS …

CITES CoP18 – Updates

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event 2 Comments

Banner image courtesy of CITES/Wikimedia Commons Above image courtesy of the NSPCA As the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), eighteenth Conference of the Parties (CoP 18) continues in Geneva (17 – 18 August 2019), there have been some significant results (with more still due in …

Syndicates move south; Botswana president calls it fake news

Stephen Wiggins Article 2 Comments

Excellent background piece, with an explanation of the circumstances that have led to the current crisis in Botswana and the alarming prospect of proposals for a return to wildlife killing for income (and pretending there is any conservation imperative that justifies it)……… Article by Don Pinnock, Daily Maverick, 25 February …

Protecting Hunting from the Hunters

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

On the 1 January 2019, a platform “Conservation Frontlines” was launched to raise the ‘virtues’ of hunting in the public consciousness (against the swathe of negative press that has been acknowledged as swaying public opinion against trophy hunting). Conservation Frontlines suggests that: “The best chance to secure social acceptance for …