Worldwide Rally for Cecil

Stephen Wiggins Article, Event, Video Leave a Comment

Worldwide Rally for Cecil – Las Vegas gathering Update: – In 2018, the Worldwide Rally For Cecil will become the Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting (WRATH). To join the campaign to end trophy hunting, please visit WRATH and CompassionWorks International. Tomorrow (4 February 2017), there will be rallies taking place all …

‘Canned’ Hunting – The ‘End Game’

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 7 Comments

Banner image: courtesy of Campaign Against Canned Hunting article ‘Canned’ Phase Out We have seen the acknowledged damage being done to South Africa’s reputation from its continued harbouring of ‘canned’ practices. The ‘canned’ industry is in steep decline (with a reported 70% drop in the ‘appetite’ for ‘canned’ executions of bred stock). Figure 1 – …

Trophy Hunting in Zambia

Stephen Wiggins Article, Petition, Video 4 Comments

Banner: “Lady Liuwa” courtesy of NatGeoTV Petition – “Don’t Let Lions Become Extinct: Don’t Lift the Ban on Hunting Lions and Leopards!” to President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu; Minister of Tourism and Arts, Jean Kapata; Zambia Wildlife Authority. Petition – “High Time for a Complete and Permanent Ban on All Ivory Trade” …

Feeding the Hunters’ Addiction in South Africa

Stephen Wiggins Article, Video 5 Comments

The attached video is from a 2015 documentary (“Safari, Paying to Kill”) published onto YouTube in March 2016: It’s a very interesting 45 minutes, with the interviewer, Olivia Mokiejewski clearly exposing the deceit of the ‘canned’/captive-breeding industry in South Africa. Olivia describes ‘canned’ hunting as South Africa’s “nasty little secret” …