Inside The Global Conservation Organization Infiltrated By Trophy Hunters

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In depth investigation by Roberto Jurkschat, “Inside The Global Conservation Organization Infiltrated By Trophy Hunters,” BuzzFeed, 13 February 2020 (see original text for all images and references) GENEVA — Giraffes may well tower over all other animals in the natural world — but in the wild, their numbers are rapidly dwindling, …

Compatibility of Trophy Hunting as a Form of Sustainable Use with IUCN’s Objectives

Stephen Wiggins Studies 8 Comments

Banner Image – IUCN Photo: WCEL The September 2019, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) report – “Compatibility of Trophy Hunting as a Form of Sustainable Use with IUCN’s Objectives” [Link updated, with editor’s notes and “relevant documents (November 2017),” 4 October 2019].  The study [in the authors’ opinion] shows …

Minister Edna Molewa establishes lion bone export quota for 2018

Stephen Wiggins Article 1 Comment

Press Release: Republic of South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, 16 Jul 2018 Update: IWB letter to Her Excellency, South African High Commissioner to the UK, dated 31 July 2018   In accordance with advice provided by the Scientific Authority, the Department of Environmental  Affairs has determined the 2018 lion bone …

How lions are helpless against money and influence

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By Chris Mercer, Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH) On 10th of March 2018 animal lovers in Cape Town got together for a March to protest the ill-treatment of animals, including wildlife, in South Africa. An estimated 400 to 500 people participated. At the outset I should like to stress how …